News from 2025

February 2025 - New Call Box... New Gate App

We finally got a new call box at entrance 2 (the main gate)! Several things were wrong with the old one:

  1. It was old (almost 5 years old).
  2. It was cellular based (and we all know how poor the cellphone connection is at the entrances).
  3. It became incompatible with the new openers (it was of the Summit Control brand which was compatible with the old Nice Apolo gate openers we inherited from the developer, but since those gate openers have been replaced with the new LiftMaster openers last year, there was a mismatch and incompatibility issue).
  4. It got damaged in a vehicle accident a few months ago.

The new call box is Internet based and has several new features and functions. Those are more user friendly and meet a wide range of needs and wants. They also give our homeowners a bigger flexibility to manage the access they give to their guests, family, and contractors (i.e., maid, pool service, landscaping, etc.)

The new gate phone number is: 430-255-6687. Please add this phone number into your phone contact list (and name it: Edgewater Gate) so that when people call you, you recognize the number and answer. When you answer and you talk to them, you will need to push the number 9 on your phone to give them access and open the gate.

The homeowners who own a house will get one free clicker and one free license for the myQ community app. The app can be downloaded for iOS and Android phones. It will allow you to open the gates, and create recurrent guest passes for your friends, family members, contractors, and temporary guest passes for your deliveries and guests.

You can watch this video to learn how to download and setup the app, as well as learn the ways to operate the gates and create/manage guest access. If those homeowners need more clickers and/or licenses, they can email us to purchase as many as they desire. Extra clickers are $50 each and extra myQ Community licenses are $15 each.

January 2025 - New Year... Same Dues... New TownSq Account... New Gate Code

Annual dues were due on 1/1/2025. If you haven't received your bill already (whether by mail or email), please contact Texas Star, our new property management company. Due to the transition from Associa to Texas Star, a grace period was enacted for 30 days. Late fees and interest will start as of February 1st, 2025.

On another note, we have good news! There are no more special assessment to pay this year.

Moreover, you will need to setup a new account with Texas Star's portal, TownSquare (even if you previously had an account with Associa). It will use the same email address. You can still use the the Owner Login button on this website. You just need to create a new account for the new property management company.

Finally, we have a new gate code that was announced on TownSq and was listed in the January edition of the newsletter, which was also posted on TownSq.